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Why we don't go to church anymore, Catholic church, Knights of Malta, Bible Translations

Streamed: Sept 4, 2022

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    Squiffy bear
​I’m personally not convinced that germs can be transmitted. It’s never been proven. It’s called germ THEORY for a reason. In my opinion Terrain theory has more validity.

Laura Massoud
​Jonathan kleck is the son of military psychiatrist

Lindsay Ball
​Jonathan kleck is a gnostic. he says turn the bible upside down

​Red flag ....OK ...thx

Laura Massoud
​Kleck gives truth. But mixed with lies He had a company called vampire eye wear

Lindsay Ball
​he says an angel got him and said do rhe Hail Mary like 3 times.

It's McDalton
​Some friends of mine are Jehovah's Witnesses. I was shocked to find out that they took the jab based solely on the advice of their Kingdom Hall leaders. 😬😬

Lindsay Ball
​Alexander hislops 2 bsbylons book say that about nimrod


Laura Massoud
​There is a new “ big deal “ in the Catholic world about Padre Pio. A new movie. Shia lebeuf stars in it and converted to Catholicism

Squiffy bear
​No I haven’t heard about this

Lindsay Ball
​look up Jonathan kleck exposed and there's a whole channel.

Laura Massoud
​Because the Catholics are still running the show

Squiffy bear

​The Islamic-Vatican Connection watch?v=CSHenSfLh2s

Laura Massoud
​Padre Pio was a “ mystic” Catholic who famously had stigmata. The Vatican said he was a fraud during his life. But later canonized him as a saint

Squiffy bear
​I completely agree with you about Russia

Jacob Law
​Utah Listening

Squiffy bear
​Morning Jacob Law

Jacob Law

Jacob Law

Jacob Law
​All the mainstream churches are infiltrated

Squiffy bear
​I think ultimately there are still factions of Satanist. The idea that they are a cohesive group is untrue.

Lindsay Ball
​hiya jacob

Jacob Law

Katie Turner
​I can't believe more people don't know about the snake structures😄

Jacob Law
​No, they know it’s bad

Squiffy bear
​It’s like the devil horse at Denver airport

Jacob Law
​They don’t know what to do

Lindsay Ball
​satan rising from the pit

Squiffy bear
​Isn’t it revelation of method

Laura Massoud
​My catholic friends say that the pope is bad now. But this happens sometimes over the history.

Jacob Law
​We know what Satan is doing.

Lindsay Ball
​yes squiffy bear lol

Katie Turner
​he has to go through God, he has limitations set by God

Jacob Law
​This is why the scriptures were written

Jacob Law
​We’re not ignorant of his devices

Jacob Law
​It’s all written what Satan did before and he is running the same deception

Squiffy bear
​They still haven’t come to terms with the fact that they’ve lost their attempt to have a new world order. Russia hit that nail on the head.

Squiffy bear
​Brick will be the new wealthy West

Katie Turner
​obelisk are found in the background of almost every movie

Lindsay Ball
​satan bringing back all his old tricks from before 70ad

Squiffy bear

Katie Turner
​These people are going to get what's coming to them

Squiffy bear
​They invert everything

Laura Massoud
​I went to a Jesuit university and there were no classes that pointed towards Jesus. But taught Liberation .theology, that Jesus would have been a communist

Squiffy bear
​Have a wonderful service David with your family. Thank you for being here.

​Thank you Sci for answering our questions ...BLESSINGS!

Katie Turner
​Exactly! The people of God gathering

Jacob Law
​Yes, good word

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